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Please update your address book so your email server will accept the next Sphere you receive (soon), which will be from my new email jim@jimwigg.com.

Why has it changed?

For years certain customers have been telling me to rebrand as Jim Wigg: “It’s you we buy, Jim, not Epicurean Associates.” When they referred me to other people they’d just say get in touch with Jim Wigg. One customer from Holland even told me that after a day of Deal Review Coaching he heard his salespeople asking “has this deal been Jim Wigged?”

So I’ve finally taken my own advice of listening to customers, and accepted that I am the brand. From hereon I shall be known as Jim Wigg, thank you to those customers (you know who you are).

Visit www.jimwigg.com to see what I’m up to these days – laying the foundations on which sales managers coach and transform sales performance. I hope you like the new branding.